Sunday, July 7, 2013

Basic Steps For SEO and Word Press

I am creating this really big guide on how to SEO your WP-Blog. I know there is a similar guide on another popular blog, but I thought what if I release my own version of the same, so here is my version. When I was planning for this article I made sure I am going to make this topic as exhaustive as possible. With consistent update of great contents, SEO link building service will be your next option after completing this checklist. So if you are short of time then make sure to bookmark this topic and get back whenever you find time to cover all the aspects of wordpress seo I am going to explain here.
    1.1Choosing The Right Theme 
    1.2 Setting URL Preference
    1.3 Optimizing URL Structure (Permalinks)
    1.4 Optimizing Images
    1.5 Optimizing Categories
    1.6 Comments For SEO
    2.1 Optimizing Title Tags
    2.2 Optimizing Meta Descriptions
    2.3 Homepage Title
    2.4 Homepage Description
    3.1 Custom Read More Text
    3.2 Using Teasers
    3.3 Pagination
    3.4 Related Posts Plugin
    3.5 Linking To Related Articles
    3.6 Using Your Sidebar
    4.1 Optimizing Feeds
    4.2 Optimizing Robots.txt
    4.3 Optimizing pingback services
    4.4 Static Homepage
    4.5 Popular Posts
    4.6 Speed Up your Blog 
    4.7 Use Subscription
    4.8 Using Pages
    4.9 Use Sitemaps
    4.10 Use Trackbacks
    5.1 Use Twitter
    5.2 Use Facebook Fan Page
    5.3 Social Media Sites
    5.4 Important Blog Directories
    5.5 Share Templates

1.Basic Optimizations

Before we move in to advanced optimization methods lets see some of the basic optimizations that will greatly help your blog to perform well in search engines.

1.1 Choosing The Right Theme

I would say first and primary part of wordpress SEO is choosing the right template for your blog that not only looks good, but also you need to make sure whether the template is really search engine optimized and search engine friendly, just have a look whether it has easy navigation features, clean codes. Try to avoid templates that uses really huge number of images for its layout, avoid flash templates and also templates which uses a lot of java script as they would not do you any good in terms of search rankings. I take time to review the templates which I find really good at Seo templates section of this site so just have a look there to get some ideas and also possibly choose any of the template I recommend.

1.2 Setting URL Preference

Just make sure to set your url preference as soon as you install your wordpress its highly recommended that you do it to avoid duplicate content issues and canonical issues. By default wordpress takes care of canonical issues now but I would really recommend that you set your url preference to anyone. I love to have non-www vs www version because its easy that way, you don’t need to type in three extra characters each time you want to get to your blog.

Here is how you can do it. Go to General settings section and change your wordpress address url and blog url.